The Impact of a TBI on Motor Skills and Physical Function Often, when we're thinking about the potential consequences of a traumatic brain injury, we consider only the impact on our cognitive skills, on our ability to engage in decision-making, to … [Read more...]
Traumatic Brain Injury
Strategies for Fighting Fatigue after a Head Injury
Things You Can Do to Maximize Your Energy after a TBI or Concussion When you've been involved in an accident and suffered any type of bump or blow to the head, it's common to go through a period where you struggle to find any injury. When you've had … [Read more...]
How Music Can Help Aid Your Recovery from a TBI
Studies Show that Music Can Help Build New Neural Pathways When you've been involved in any type of accident and sustained any type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), your first priority needs to be getting the medical attention you need. If … [Read more...]
Reducing Risk after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Activities to Avoid So that You Minimize the Likelihood of Complications Any type of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, has the potential for serious medical complications, even bumps or blows to the head that are considered mild or inconsequential. … [Read more...]
Healthy Activities after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Activities that Can Safely Help You Recover When you've suffered a traumatic brain injury, you learn quickly that there are certain activities in which you simply shouldn't participate. Because of increased health risks associated with multiple … [Read more...]
Rehabilitation Therapy after a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
How Can It Help You? What Are the Most Common Forms of Rehab? In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, you want to take advantage of whatever medical procedures and treatments are available to help you maximize your physical and mental … [Read more...]
Restoring Physical Skills after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Strategies for Maximizing Your Return to Full Functional Capacity In the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), your first concern is often about your physical abilities. Can you reasonably expect a full return of physical functionality? What … [Read more...]
Can You Fully Recover from a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Is It Possible to Return to Your Pre-TBI Condition? When you’ve suffered any type of bump or blow to the head, whether it was mild or severe, one of your first questions or concerns will be about your prognosis for full recovery. Can you heal … [Read more...]