What Types of Accidents Typically Cause Traumatic Brain Injury on the Job? Minimizing the Risk of TBI in the Workplace As an employer, it's important that you know that approximately one of every four (24%) of all traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) … [Read more...]
Traumatic Brain Injury
Helping an Older Family Member Reduce the Risk of a TBI
Steps You Can Take to Lower the Risk of a Traumatic Brain Injury According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about one of every three traumatic brain injuries in the United States involves a person over the age of 75. The vast majority of … [Read more...]
What Are the Potential Physical Consequences of a TBI?
What Types of Injuries Are Commonly Associated With a Traumatic Brain Injury? You’ve fallen down and hit your head, or you’ve been in a car accident and suffered whiplash or bumped your head on the dashboard. It’s likely that you’ve sustained a … [Read more...]
The Likelihood of Suffering a TBI in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Can You Suffer a Traumatic Brain Injury Without Impact? While the Centers for Disease Control reports that falls are the single biggest cause of traumatic brain injury, motor vehicle accidents are also a significant factor, leading to about one in … [Read more...]
What Is the Likelihood of Full Recovery From a TBI?
Restoring Maximum Functionality After a Traumatic Brain Injury After you've suffered any type of head injury, if you're like most people, you just want things to go back to the way they were. If you're an athlete, you want to get back in the game. … [Read more...]
Different Tools for Diagnosing Traumatic Brain Injury
How Medical Professionals Identify TBIs In the immediate aftermath of any type of head trauma, it can be critical to get an accurate and timely diagnosis of the severity of your injuries, as that will help doctors determine the most appropriate … [Read more...]
The High-Risk Categories for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Are You More Likely to Suffer Head Trauma? Statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control consistently show that certain groups of people have higher rates of TBI than others. If you know that you or someone you love is in one of those … [Read more...]
How Long Is the Recovery Period After a Traumatic Brain Injury
How Long Before You Can Return to Normal Activities? What Is the Key to Your Recovery? If you’re like most people, when you’re hurt, you want to get back to your regular life as quickly as possible. The same is true when you suffer a traumatic brain … [Read more...]
Neuroplasticity and Your Recovery from a Traumatic Brain Injury
What Is Neuroplasticity? What Role Does It Play in Your Recovery from a TBI? In the aftermath of any type of head injury, your primary concerns will typically be about your potential recovery. How long will it take? How soon can you expect to return … [Read more...]
Sports and Traumatic Brain Injury
How Sports and Recreational Activity Contribute to the Incidence of TBIs Studies consistently show that a significant percentage of all traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are sustained in athletic competition or sports. The Centers for Disease Control … [Read more...]